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I'm closing the issue, as it doesn't seem to be related to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. If you find out that the tweaker is involved, leave a reply or open a new ticket.

Maybe it's an actual bug of Windows, which was introduced in one of the recent updates. You're using Windows 7, right?

do you think 7TK can take control to avoid this misfortune behavior of the taskbar?

I assume that it's possible, but it's not a priority for me to look into it, sorry.

I can't reproduce this. Do you think that this is an issue of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker? Does the issue occur when the tweaker is not running?

It does not sound like something that 7+ Taskbar Tweaker would cause. Did you try running without the tweaker? Does the issue disappear?

The issue should be fixed in the beta version, please try it.

Do you have a way to reproduce the issue? Also, does the issue happen when the tweaker is running with all of the options off? If it doesn't, please try to find out which option is responsible for the issue.

Great investigation. I'm closing this due to the last bullet - it's not a bug of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

These options cause 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to setup a global mouse hook, but it doesn't handle mouse clicks, only the mouse wheel. It seems like an issue of Synergy.

You can try the following example, which demonstrates a global mouse hook, and see whether it causes the same issue. If it does, it's definitely an issue of Synergy.

The example is here, use the Download demo application [Version 1] link.

  • Is the issue about mouse clicks in general, or only about clicking the taskbar?
  • Does the issue happen when all of the tweaker's options are disabled? If not, can you find out which option causes the issue?
  • Is the free version enough to reproduce the issue?