Cycle Through Multiple Rows Of Taskbar Icons

RetiredEngineer 5 years پیش بروز رسانی شده 5 years پیش 2

I have so many useful icons on my taskbar that I must first move the mouse cursor over the single-row-setup at screen bottom, then rotate the scroll wheel to view the row of icons I need to access.  It would be much faster if a user-definable hotkey could be used to cycle through multiple rows of taskbar buttons.

As a sub-optimal workaround, I suggest looking into

1) using the Windows hotkey combo Win+T to focus to the taskbar, and then

2) using the Down arrow key to cycle through your rows.

While not as fast as the feature you request, you might still find it better than having to touch the filthy rodent :)


a fellow mouse-hater and hotkey-lover

Works great. Tks for the tip.