some minor conflict with Tclock2

TTF 4 aastat tagasi uuendatud 4 aastat tagasi 2

I'm still running an old app Tclock2:


7+ Taskbar Tweaker has some minor conflict with Tclock2.

When (after) the conflict occurs, 7TT will fail to maintain the "Open with double click (on Pinned items)" feature. And Windows Explorer will crash when 7TT exits. Nothing else so far as I see.

I wonder if the conflict can be resolved on your side.

Thank you.

That's not the first time an incompatibility with TClock is reported. Unfortunately, if TClock stomps over the tweaker's hooks, there's not much I can do (and TClock-specific hacks is something I prefer to avoid). If you provide exact reproduction steps, I might look at it one day in case there's an elegant fix on my side.

Run Tclock2.

Run 7TT.

Exit Tclock2.

Exit 7TT.

Windows Explorer will crash.

As for the failure of open-with-double-click, I can't find out the exact conflicting option yet.