Not a bug

Minimize with Right Mouse Button bug with v5.8

GaXve vor 5 Jahren aktualisiert von Michael (Ramen Software) vor 5 Jahren 1

Minimizing with Right Click doesn't always seem to work, and I'm not sure what circumstances causes it not to work (taskbaritem|rclick  2).

This function worked well in the previous version.

When Right Clicking on the Taskbar Icon, sometimes the window flickers between being active or inactive, but remains on the monitor (it does not minimize). Other times, this function works properly.

I was wondering, is it possible to revert to the previous version?



Not a bug

The function is quite straightforward, and wasn't changed for years. I suspect that the target application or the OS have to do with the behavior you're seeing.

You can get previous versions of the tweaker here:

You can also compare the behavior with the behavior of other programs, such as the Task Manager.

Let me know if you find out that it worked properly in a previous version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (and in this case, which version introduced the issue).

Not a bug

The function is quite straightforward, and wasn't changed for years. I suspect that the target application or the OS have to do with the behavior you're seeing.

You can get previous versions of the tweaker here:

You can also compare the behavior with the behavior of other programs, such as the Task Manager.

Let me know if you find out that it worked properly in a previous version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (and in this case, which version introduced the issue).