
Latest Update shows "7+ taskbar tweaker could not load library (206)"

Crypto Alerts 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Michael (Ramen Software) 4 lat temu 32
After the latest update, it shows this. It doesn't crash, but it doesn't work either. Image 48


Fixed in v4.5.10.
A computer restart fixed the problem....
I believe that it's an issue with the MinHook library, which was fixed in the beta version (v4.5.5.2). Please try it, and let me know if you encounter similar errors with it.
Should be fixed in 7+ Taskbar Twekaer v4.5.6.
beta version still happening for me.
Please provide a crash report.
where would i find said crash report...i looked in +7 folder? on a side note it stopped crashing after i did a reboot and didn't do it this morning when i turned my pc on.
Sorry, I should have mentioned it.
You can find the crash report in the Event Viewer. Look here for instructions:
How do I find event logs when a program crashes?
Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

i think this is the error.
That doesn't look like it. It should be similar to the report on the linked screenshot.
Faulting application name should be explorer.exe.

P.S. did you experience a crash? In general, an error like this (Could not load library (2xx)) is usually followed by a crash of explorer, but not always.
hasn't crashed since that one time. checked over my event viewer from yesterday and no explorer type entries to be found. the error i posted happened at the same time of the crash so i don't know. hmmm would having "launch folder windows in a separate process" account for this? i use that so it doesn't take all windows out at once. i'm at a loss.
thanks for your time but i get the feeling my computer just booted funny. i will keep you updated if it should happen again.
hmmm would having "launch folder windows in a separate process" account for this?
That shouldn't affect the behavior of the tweaker.
I also occasionally get this error message when starting 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (4.5.6).  Usually, Windows Explorer does not crash.  Usually, rebooting fixes the issue.

I saved crash log (http://www.pastebin.ca/2899137)  for one of the times Windows Explorer did crash when starting 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
Are you getting the same error number (206)?
That doesn't seem to correspond to your crash log, but it's difficult to say for sure.
I too suspect my crash log (and explorer crashing) is unrelated.  Windows Explorer has not crashed since, even with several instances of the 206 error.

I am getting the error 206 message as shown in the OP screenshot.  After clicking OK, the form still behaves normally (checkboxes still check, etc) but no functionality is enabled.  Until a reboot (not a logoff), 7tt will display the error each time it's started.

After doing some testing, I now suspect 7tt starting too soon causes the error.  I rebooted my computer 5 times for each of the following startup methods, and these are my results:

"Run at startup" checbox (OK: 2, Failed: 3)

Double-clicking icon (OK: 5, Failed: 0)

Startup folder (OK: 5, Failed: 0)

Perhaps, Windows Explorer has not fully loaded when 7tt starts.
Here's a debug version:

When run, it should create a file with the name _DEBUG.LOG on the desktop. Please reproduce the error, and post the contents of this file. Thanks.
Normal Output:
MH_CreateHook(DPA_Create) returns 0
MH_CreateHook(DPA_InsertPtr) returns 0
MH_CreateHook(DPA_DeletePtr) returns 0
MH_QueueEnableHook(DPA_Create) returns 0
MH_QueueEnableHook(DPA_InsertPtr) returns 0
MH_QueueEnableHook(DPA_DeletePtr) returns 0
Error Output:
MH_CreateHook(DPA_Create) returns 9
The error happens in the MinHook hooking library which the tweaker uses, and error code 9 is MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC, which means that the library could not allocate the required amount of memory. Could a limited amount of system memory be the issue here? Also, are you using a 32 or a 64-bit system?
Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit), 32 GB RAM, current on Windows Updates

It's unlikely that I'd be out of memory with having 32 GB and no other programs displaying error messages.
Yep, 32 GB sounds like enough.
In v4.5.5 of the tweaker, I've updated the MinHook library to a newer version.
Could you try an older version (e.g. v4.5.4) and see whether the issue still occurs?
You can get it here:
Yes, that was it.  I installed 4.5.4, rebooted five times without error.  I installed 4.5.5, and I got the error on the first reboot.
That's expected, as v4.5.5 did have a bug. But v4.5.6 should have fixed this. If you still have the issue with v4.5.6, and are willing to help, I will make an additional debug build to try and find out what causes the issue.
I'll test the debug build.
Sorry for the late reply. Could you please email me, so we could do the testing without polluting the comments here?
My email address can be found here:
Yes, I still sometimes get the error in 4.5.6.  Go ahead.
Should be fixed in v4.5.8.3 beta.
Fixed in v4.5.10.

Hello, I get a similar error in v5.2.1. I get the message on startup, it doesn't crash but doesn't work either.

Are you getting the error message with the same code, 206?

Are you using the latest tweaker version?

Are you using an insider build of Windows 10?

What was the fix ? :P
I'm getting a similar behaviour in my project.

The fix was basically to adapt the tool the the changes of the new Windows version.

What kind of a project of yours are you talking about?