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Compatibility issue with Classic Shell 4.2.5

مجهول منذ 8 سنة تم التحديث من قبل Michael (Ramen Software) منذ 8 سنة 6

"Hide Start Button" option disables opening Classic Start Menu by mouse clicking. Tested on Windows 8.1 x64.


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The ability to click on the corner to bring up the start menu wasn't added by the tweaker, it's a feature of Windows. The tweaker only hides the button.

You say that it worked with an earlier version of Classic Shell, so I assume that the issue appeared in one of the newer versions.

Still no effect with 7TT v. (beta) and Classic Shell 4.2.5

قيد المراجعة

Perhaps it's a Classic Shell issue. I'll look at it when I have the time.

Can you please clarify what the issue is?

If you hide the start button, then obviously you cannot click it to open the start menu, regardless of whether Classic Shell is installed.

With Classic Shell 4.1.0 you can open Start menu, even when it is hidden by 7TT.

That's what was confusing me. Maybe you should do nothing about it.

Best solution was given here: possible conflict with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

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The ability to click on the corner to bring up the start menu wasn't added by the tweaker, it's a feature of Windows. The tweaker only hides the button.

You say that it worked with an earlier version of Classic Shell, so I assume that the issue appeared in one of the newer versions.

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