انجام شده

Always Combine Show Labels

Noah 3 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 3 years پیش 3

This is surprisingly not possible as far as I can tell. When the taskbar fills up it combines buttons, but I would like to be able to always combine the buttons while also showing the labels. 

Under review

Make sure you're not using "Combine taskbar buttons: When taskbar is full" in taskbar properties.

See my answer here:


Thanks!! That was the issue, here I was digging through the github trying to see if I could figure it out myself. Soo much code. In my testing I was only adjusting the multiple displays instead of main display. Love the app, P.S. IDK if you are also responsible for the chocolatey package but I believe it has an invalid checksum at the moment.   

انجام شده

Great, I'm glad that it's fixed now.

Regarding Chocolatey, no, I'm not the one maintaining the package.