Display a close icon (x) when hovering over buttons or on the active button.

Anonymous 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

I use my taskbar like a web browser's tabs bar, but for apps/windows instead of websites (top position, small buttons, showing badges). So in the Tweaker I find it necessary to disable thumbnails or lists while hovering, or else it often pops up accidentally when I'm selecting browser tabs and gets in the way. This leaves me with right clicking and selecting 'close' as the fastest option to close a window. However, I think the taskbar could be revolutionized as a "windows tabs bar" if only we had a convenient way to close tabs/windows like in browsers. Is this possible? It seems like it could be easy to crop and reposition the "X" button from the thumbnails to the right side of the tab when hovering over.

This leaves me with right clicking and selecting 'close' as the fastest option to close a window.

You can also configure the middle click, or any other combination (such as Ctrl+click), to close a window.

The problem is I use middle click to open a new window. Well for now, how do I configure other key combinations to close windows? Thanks.

It can be configured with the advanced options. Right click on the tweaker's tray icon, choose "Advanced options", and go to the "Mouse Button Control" tab. Refer to the help file (the Help button) for information.


Wow thanks a ton. Functionality-wise, this was just what I wanted. taskbaritem|ldblclick = 3