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The standard menu itself is not a feature of the tweaker, it’s built into Windows. You can use it without the tweaker too, by holding the shift key while right-clicking. The tweaker merely makes explorer think that the shift button is being held. The standard menu also shows up natively when right-clicking on the thumbnail preview. You can use these to check whether the problem is related to the tweaker in any way.

I don't remember 7+ Taskbar Tweaker having changes in this area recently. What's the latest version that didn't have this issue? You can get older versions from here for testing:


And why did you come to the conclusion that it's an issue of the tweaker? Does the issue only occur when it's running?

Maybe. If you're interested in further investigation, I can create a test build for you with extra logging which will help understand why the narrow width isn't being set.

I see, I believe that the reason is that the narrow width was saved in pixels, so it represented different logical widths for different scaling settings. I tried to improve it in version v5.15.2.2 beta, please try it and let me know if it solved the issue for you. You can get it here.

You can use this registry tweak to have a list view instead of the thumbnails.

Hi, it's a known limitation. See this discussion, for example.

Unfortunately, it's not trivial to solve, and I don't plan looking at it in the near future.

Windhawk has a mod that's dedicated for Visual Studio:


It's possible to create something similar for other programs such as VSCode, but I don't plan working on it.

I checked it, and the following happens:

It starts with Notes pinned:

[icons...] [Notes-pinned] [icons...]

When you click on it, a new window is created, which replaces the pinned item:

[icons...] [Notes-window-1] [icons...]

Then, for some reason Notes creates a second window:

[icons...] [Notes-window-1] [icons...] [Notes-window-2]

Note that because grouping is disabled, the second window is created at the end of the taskbar.

Finally, the first window is closed:

[icons...] [icons...] [Notes-window-2]

It's a problem with Notes, and you have the following workarounds you can use:

  • Enable the "When not grouping, place new items next to the existing ones" option. That will affect all programs.
  • Enable grouping for Notes in Taskbar Inspector.

Just use a service such as Google Drive to upload the video, and post the link here.