Ihre Kommentare

First, you can also use Shift + click.

Second, doing it with a double click is possible with the Mouse Button Control Advanced options:
Name: taskbaritem|ldblclick
Value: 4

See help for more info about the Mouse Button Control options.

It's not a bug. The right mouse dragging works only with taskbar buttons, not thumbnails.

You can use the Decombine on mouse hover as an alternative.

OK, I've checked the issue.

The tweaker shows the "Could not open explorer's process" error because it can't inject to an elevated explorer process, and this cannot be fixed.
The tweaker has to be run as administrator too to be able to inject successfully.

As for the tray icons - it has nothing to do with the tweaker's error message. The reason is that applications can't send a notification to the elevated explorer to create their icon.
I couldn't make the option work for explorer, it seems to always run as non-administrator.
Are you running the tweaker as administrator, too? Do you see any error message?

The issue of the tweaker silently failing to inject should be fixed in v4.2.3.