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Are you using virtual desktops? I've seen similar issues when switching between virtual desktops on Windows 10.

Build 11082 is not supported at the moment, as it's not a final release.

Only 10240 and 10586 are supported at this time.

I couldn't reproduce the issue that you're describing.

Perhaps the issue is not the tweaker, then. The standard window menu can be brought up without the tweaker, by holding the Shift button when right-clicking on the taskbar item. Try it and see if it works without the tweaker running.

No, it isn't known.

Does it work with the non-beta version, 5.1?

I could reproduce the issue. Mouse click handling was changed in Windows 10, therefore it stopped working.

Please try the latest beta version, v5.1.0.4.

According to the crash report, it has something to do with the standard window menu right click (this one).

Please try v5.1.0.3 beta. I have added an additional check in the code which might fix the issue.