Uw opmerkingen

No, it's not possible to blacklist elements, the change is global.
That's not a bug of the tweaker. The extension probably assumes that it's tray icon is of a particular size, so it behaves differently now that it's smaller.

You might want to contact the developers of this extension, if it's still maintained. This should be an easy fix, as getting the padding is easy and is documented (using the TB_GETPADDING message). Also, the Shell_NotifyIconGetRect function might be useful.
Of course it has nothing to do with grouping, that's just a screenshot that I had on the server already :)
I'm glad you figured it out.

Check out Taskbar Inspector options for Trillian.
Both screenshots show Windows 7.
Anyway, there's an issue with the "show desktop" button on the classic theme.
It should work fine with the modern theme.

I don't know why it doesn't work properly for you. I've just checked, and it works fine for me on Windows 7.