התגובות שלך

I couldn't reproduce it. What I tried:

  • Open and maximize Notepad.
  • Minimize it.
  • Set "Middle click" to "Switch to".
  • Double click on the Notepad taskbar item with the middle mouse button. (1)
  • Minimize Notepad again.
  • Check "Minimize/restore when mouse is over: Taskbar buttons".
  • Restore Notepad by scrolling up aggressively. (2)

During my testing, in steps (1) and (2) (and in general) Notepad never became restored, only minimized or maximized.

I mean if I cycle through windows I'll end up with all windows restored, cuz it's restores ech window one by one.
Yes, that's why I said it's not exactly what you're asking for. But if you click once it will probably bring up the correct window.

I mean, a difference between using "Combine taskbar buttons" -> "Always, hide labels" and setting all of the taskbar items to hide labels using taskbar inspector.

And all unnecessary windows will be restored instead of being still minimized.

If you click once, only the last active window is restored. (Maybe you're using "Restore all group items"?)

The unused windows for some reason are forcing themselves to be restored instead of the recent one.

Perhaps your specific app works that way. You can try it with another app such as notepad and see that it restores one window at a time.

And why "Switch to" command for combined items works as thumbnail preview instead of switch to recent window?

That's how it's implemented. It's true for all options - "Switch to", "Minimize", and "Close". I can consider adding a new value to taskbaritem - "Cycle through windows".

You forgot about option to hide labels & combine when full.

OK, that's a valid argument.

And Icons too.

    I still don't understand what difference is there between using "Combine taskbar buttons" -> "Always, hide labels" regarding icons. Please show me a screenshot that demonstrates the difference.

    I don't know what is a virtual desktop and how it would help me.


    But it cycle throw all windows in sequence. I don't want to switch to other windows at all, only the main one from that group.

    Yes, it's not exactly what you're asking for, but if you click once you'll get the window you want.

    Not activate minimized widows. I meant other window (different application and group).

    That works properly for me. I opened a Chrome window and three combined explorer windows. Then I minimized the explorer group, and Chrome got focus. Just like it happens if I right click on the explorer group and choose to minimize all three windows.

    So you want the taskbar to behave as if every item has a different AppId, and still not show the related pinned item if the program is running. What you're asking to do is tricky, and will require a lot of time and research, which I don't plan to invest. I know that because I had more trivial issues related to pinned items, which were quite time consuming to fix to fit the tweaker's options. Remember that explorer is not open source, the tweaker is expected to work on every build from Windows 7 to the latest Windows 10, and many things are implemented with a bit of creativity and hacks.

    OK, then the icons example is unrelated. You provided it as an example to - "items behave differently when Windows' option to hide and show labels are used" - but they don't behave differently.

    Why not add such an option:

    1. It will have to be implemented, i.e. I'll need to spend time on this.
    2. It complicates the tweaker.
    3. It adds work for me to do every time a new Windows build is released to keep the tweaker compatible.
    4. It's already possible to do by using the taskbar properties. You said it's different, but I don't see how.

    Why add such an option:

    1. More options to control from a single location which is the twekaer.
    2. Can be used with the portable version of the tweaker on others' computers.
    3. ???

    So, as you can see, there are at least several reasons as of why I'm reluctant to add this option.

    The website is accessible on my computer. Please try again, and if it still doesn't work, please provide more details, such as the error message that you're getting and a screenshot.