
19042 with KB4565503

Anthony Albert 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 16

I've been running Taskbar Tweaker 5.9 with Windows 10 19042 since the middle of June without any problems, but after installing KB4565503, I get an error:

7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (1004)

Library initialization failed, perhaps your Windows version is not supported.

I tried Beta version, and then I get a different error:

7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (5)

Library initialization failed, perhaps your Windows version is not supported.

If I run as admin (since error 5 is access denied), I get the 5.9 version 1004 error



The incompatibility is fixed in the newly released beta version, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.9.0.6.


One thing I did notice - the access denied error is intermittent - sometimes I get the 1004 error with the beta version and other times I get the 5 error.  I never get the 5 error if I run as admin.


Same error with me (Win10 per 20H2 19042.421).


The same error by me - Win 10 20H2 19042.421


me too...

Edition Windows 10 Pro

Version 20H2

Installed on ‎1/‎14/‎2020

OS build 19042.421

Serial number R90T0C95

Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.31.0


Same thing here, seems the update broke something.

Exactly the same here


The incompatibility is fixed in the newly released beta version, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.9.0.6.

Thank you, thank you!!

Unfortutnately, with v5.9.0.6, I'm getting the same error that Anthony showed above for v5.9.0.5. Just wondering if v5.9.0.6 worked for anyone else?

Forgot to include my info:

Windows 10 Education

Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.421)

I just noticed RaMMicHaeL uploaded v5.9.0.7, so I tried that one too. Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error shown for v5.9.0.5. Uninstalling/reinstalling as administrator did not help.

I just noticed RaMMicHaeL uploaded v5.9.0.9. This fixed it. Thanks RaMMicHaeL.

Beta is working perfect :-) Job well done :-)

Beta is working perfect with Win10 pro 20H2 19042.421. Thank you!

Thank you - Beta works with Windows 10 19042 plus KB4565503.  No issues with error 5 either!

Anyone got the current version to work in build 19041.450?