
Doesn't work on Windows 10 1607 Build (08/2016) Anniversary Update

Anonymous 9 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 9 years ago 8

Not injected into explorer, nothing works and an error at start up



The Windows 10 Anniversary Update is supported by 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.2.


7+ Taskbar Tweaker konnte die Programmbibliothek nicht laden(107)

habe Programm deinstalliert und wieder neu installiert immer noch dieselbe Fehlermeldung


Could not load library here too. Hope the developer figures it out soon, really like this program :(


Same here :

(french OS)

Same error here yesterday after updating Windows (unable to load library...).

I just installed this alpha and 7TT working great again!



can i get it only with donate? but now im abroad and cant donate :(

can some1 share program?

wha should i do?


The Windows 10 Anniversary Update is supported by 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.2.